Te_HF_Conversion package


Te_HF_Conversion.CalcYSE_HF module

Convert the elastic thickness into a heat flow given the input rheology. Convert a temperature profile into a yield strength envelope and elastic thickness.

Te_HF_Conversion.CalcYSE_HF.Brittle_Strength(Tc, R_mpr, g_surf, rhom, rhoc, rhobar, z_profile)

Compute the Brittle strength of the lithosphere based on the approach of Mueller & Phillips (1995).


  • d_sig_tab1 (array size(depth)) – Brittle yield strength envelope in compression (Pa).

  • d_sig_tab2 (array size(depth)) – Brittle yield strength envelope in tension (Pa).

  • Tc (float) – Crustal thickness (m).

  • R_mpr (float) – Mean radius of the body (m).

  • g_surf (float) – Gravitational attraction of the surface (m s-2).

  • rhoc (float) – Crustal density (kg m-3).

  • rhom (float) – Mantle density (kg m-3).

  • rhobar (float) – Mean density of the body (kg m-3).

  • z_profile (array, float) – Depth array (downward positive).

Te_HF_Conversion.CalcYSE_HF.Conversion_Te_HF(Q_crust, A_crust, n_crust, Q_mantle, A_mantle, n_mantle, g_surf, rhobar, R_mpr, Te, Tc, k_crust, k_mantle, K_curv, H_c, rhoc, rhom, eps, young, poisson, sig_y, Ts, R_gas, HF_min=None, HF_max=None, HF_step=None, step_depth=None, max_depth=None, quiet=True, plot=False, plot_YSE=False, figsize=[6.4, 4.8])

Determine the surface, crustal, and mantle heat flows, mechanical thickness, and thermal gradients from input rheology and elastic parameters.


  • F_c (float) – The crustal heat flow (mW m-2).

  • F_m (float) – The mantle heat flow (mW m-2).

  • F_s (float) – The surface heat flow (mW m-2).

  • dT_c (float) – The crust temperature gradient (K km-1).

  • dT_m (float) – The mantle temperature gradient (K km-1).

  • dT_s (float) – The surface temperature gradient (K km-1).

  • Tm (Float) – Mechanical thickness of the lithosphere (m).

  • d_sig_tmp1_best (array, size(max_depth / step_depth)) – The best-fitting YSE compression (Pa).

  • d_sig_tmp0_best (array, size(max_depth / step_depth)) – The best-fitting YSE tension (Pa).

  • ax1 (matplotlib axes object) – If plot is True – Axis where the YSE is plotted.

  • ax2 (matplotlib axes object) – If plot is True – Axis where the temperature profile is plotted.

  • Q_crust (float) – Activation energy for the crust (J mol-1).

  • A_crust (float) – Empirical constant for the crust (Pa-n s-1).

  • n_crust (float) – Rheological constant for the crust.

  • Q_mantle (float) – Activation energy for the mantle (J mol-1).

  • A_mantle (float) – Empirical constant for the mantle (Pa-n s-1).

  • n_mantle (float) – Rheological constant for the mantle.

  • g_surf (float) – Gravitational attraction of the surface (m s-2).

  • rhobar (float) – Mean density of the body (kg m-3).

  • R_mpr (float) – Mean radius of the body (m).

  • Te (float) – Elastic thickness (m).

  • Tc (float) – Crustal thickness (m).

  • k_crust (float) – Thermal conductivity in the crust (W m−1 K−1).

  • k_mantle (float) – Thermal conductivity in the mantle (W m−1 K−1).

  • K_curv (float) – Plate curvature (m-1).

  • H_c (float) – Average volumetric crustal heat production (W kg-1).

  • rhoc (float) – Crustal density (kg m-3).

  • rhom (float) – Mantle density (kg m-3).

  • eps (float) – Strain rate (s-1).

  • young (float) – Young’s modulus (Pa).

  • poisson (float) – Poisson’s ratio.

  • sig_y (float) – Bounding stress (Pa).

  • Ts (float) – Surface temperature (K).

  • R_gas (float) – Gas constant (J mol-1 K-1).

  • HF_min (float, optional, default = None) – Minimum heat flow to test (mW m-2), if None we guess it assuming mechanical thickness equals elastic thickness (zero curvature).

  • HF_max (float, optional, default = None) – Maximum heat flow to test (mW m-2), if None we guess it assuming mechanical thickness equals elastic thickness (zero curvature).

  • HF_step (float, optional, default = 1) – Heat flow step to test (mW m-2)

  • step_depth (integer, optional, default = Te / 1000.) – Iteration depth step for the integration.

  • max_depth (integer, optional, default = Te * 3) – Maximum depth for the integration.

  • quiet (boolean, optional, default = True) – if True, print various outputs.

  • plot (boolean, optional, default = False) – if True, plot the best-fit yield strength envelope and temperature profile.

  • plot_YSE (boolean, optional, default = False) – if True, plot the yield strength envelope for each tested heat flows.

  • figsize (tuple, optional, default = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']) – Size of the output figure.

Te_HF_Conversion.CalcYSE_HF.Conversion_Tprofile_Te(T_profile, z_profile, Q_crust, A_crust, n_crust, Q_mantle, A_mantle, n_mantle, g_surf, rhobar, R_mpr, Tc, rhoc, rhom, eps, young, poisson, sig_y, R_gas, K_curv=1e-07, Te_min=5, Te_max=300, Te_step=1, quiet=True, plot=False, figsize=[6.4, 4.8])

Determine the elastic thicknesses from the input temperature profile and rheology.


  • Te (float) – Elastic thickness of the lithosphere (m).

  • d_sig_tmp1_best (array, size(max_depth / step_depth)) – The best-fitting YSE compression (Pa).

  • d_sig_tmp0_best (array, size(max_depth / step_depth)) – The best-fitting YSE tension (Pa).

  • ax1 (matplotlib axes object) – If plot is True – Axis where the YSE is plotted.

  • ax2 (matplotlib axes object) – If plot is True – Axis where the temperature profile is plotted.

  • T_profile (array, float) – Temperature profile (K).

  • z_profile (array, float) – Depth (downward positive) associated with each temperature (m). The profile should contain with equidistant values and start from 0.

  • Q_crust (float) – Activation energy for the crust (J mol-1).

  • A_crust (float) – Empirical constant for the crust (Pa-n s-1).

  • n_crust (float) – Rheological constant for the crust.

  • Q_mantle (float) – Activation energy for the mantle (J mol-1).

  • A_mantle (float) – Empirical constant for the mantle (Pa-n s-1).

  • n_mantle (float) – Rheological constant for the mantle.

  • g_surf (float) – Gravitational attraction of the surface (m s-2).

  • rhobar (float) – Mean density of the body (kg m-3).

  • R_mpr (float) – Mean radius of the body (m).

  • Tc (float) – Crustal thickness (m).

  • rhoc (float) – Crustal density (kg m-3).

  • rhom (float) – Mantle density (kg m-3).

  • eps (float) – Strain rate (s-1).

  • young (float) – Young’s modulus (Pa).

  • poisson (float) – Poisson’s ratio.

  • sig_y (float) – Bounding stress (Pa).

  • R_gas (float) – Gas constant (J mol-1 K-1).

  • K_curv (float, optional, default = 1e-7) – Plate curvature (m-1).

  • Te_min (float, optional, default = 5) – Minimum elastic thickness investigated (km).

  • Te_max (float, optional, default = max(300, z_profile)) – Maximum elastic thickness investigated (km).

  • Te_step (float, optional, default = 1) – Elastic thickness step to test (km).

  • quiet (boolean, optional, default = True) – if True, print various outputs.

  • plot (boolean, optional, default = False) – if True, plot the best-fit yield strength envelope and temperature profile.

  • figsize (tuple, optional, default = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']) – Size of the output figure.

Te_HF_Conversion.CalcYSE_HF.Curv_Moment(d_sig_tmp0, d_sig_tmp1, K_curv, young, poisson, depth, step_depth, sig_y, HF=0, neutralfib=None, plot_YSE=False, decoupling=False, show=True, ax=None, figsize=[6.4, 4.8])

Determine the bending moment given the input yield strength envelope and curvature.


  • Mx (float) – The bending moment of the plate

  • d_sig_tab1 (array size(depth)) – Integrated part of the yield strength envelope in compression (Pa)

  • d_sig_tab2 (array size(depth)) – Integrated part of the yield strength envelope in tension (Pa)

  • sig_ela (array size(depth)) – Integrated elastic part of the yield strength envelope (Pa)

  • neutralfib (float) – Neutral fiber index to be used for the next iteration

  • d_sig_tmp0 (float) – Stress curve, tension (Pa).

  • d_sig_tmp1 (float) – Stress curve, compression (Pa).

  • K_curv (float) – Plate curvature (m-1).

  • young (float) – Young’s modulus (Pa).

  • poisson (float) – Poisson’s ratio.

  • depth (array, float) – Input depth for the integration (m).

  • step_depth (float) – Iteration depth step for the integration.

  • sig_y (float) – Bounding stress (Pa).

  • HF (float, optional, default = 0) – The input mantle heat flow (W m-2).

  • neutralfib (int, optional, default = None) – Neutral fiber index of the previous interation.

  • plot_YSE (boolean, optional, default = False) – If true, plot the yield strength envelope

  • decoupling (boolean, optional, default = False) – If true, the rheology is decoupled and we plot 2 sets of curvatures on ax if plot_YSE.

  • show (boolean, optional, default = True) – If true, show the plot once the first decoupled part is plotted on ax if plot_YSE.

  • ax (object, optional, default = None) – Axis for plotting.

  • figsize (tuple, optional, default = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']) – Size of the output figure.

Te_HF_Conversion.Planet_constants module

Module contents


Te_HF_Conversion provides a function and an example script for converting a given elastic thickness of the lithosphere into a planetary heat flow, or a temperature profile into a yield strength envelope and elastic thickness. Radiogenic heat contribution and wet or dry rheologies are implemented.


Determine the surface, crust, and mantle heat flows given the input parameters.


Performs the to moment calculation.


Convert a temperature profile into an elastic thickness and yield strength envelope.


Compute the brittle part of the yield strength envelope based on planetary constants.


Contains the constants used in the calculations.

Te_HF_Conversion.Brittle_Strength(Tc, R_mpr, g_surf, rhom, rhoc, rhobar, z_profile)

Compute the Brittle strength of the lithosphere based on the approach of Mueller & Phillips (1995).


  • d_sig_tab1 (array size(depth)) – Brittle yield strength envelope in compression (Pa).

  • d_sig_tab2 (array size(depth)) – Brittle yield strength envelope in tension (Pa).

  • Tc (float) – Crustal thickness (m).

  • R_mpr (float) – Mean radius of the body (m).

  • g_surf (float) – Gravitational attraction of the surface (m s-2).

  • rhoc (float) – Crustal density (kg m-3).

  • rhom (float) – Mantle density (kg m-3).

  • rhobar (float) – Mean density of the body (kg m-3).

  • z_profile (array, float) – Depth array (downward positive).

Te_HF_Conversion.Conversion_Te_HF(Q_crust, A_crust, n_crust, Q_mantle, A_mantle, n_mantle, g_surf, rhobar, R_mpr, Te, Tc, k_crust, k_mantle, K_curv, H_c, rhoc, rhom, eps, young, poisson, sig_y, Ts, R_gas, HF_min=None, HF_max=None, HF_step=None, step_depth=None, max_depth=None, quiet=True, plot=False, plot_YSE=False, figsize=[6.4, 4.8])

Determine the surface, crustal, and mantle heat flows, mechanical thickness, and thermal gradients from input rheology and elastic parameters.


  • F_c (float) – The crustal heat flow (mW m-2).

  • F_m (float) – The mantle heat flow (mW m-2).

  • F_s (float) – The surface heat flow (mW m-2).

  • dT_c (float) – The crust temperature gradient (K km-1).

  • dT_m (float) – The mantle temperature gradient (K km-1).

  • dT_s (float) – The surface temperature gradient (K km-1).

  • Tm (Float) – Mechanical thickness of the lithosphere (m).

  • d_sig_tmp1_best (array, size(max_depth / step_depth)) – The best-fitting YSE compression (Pa).

  • d_sig_tmp0_best (array, size(max_depth / step_depth)) – The best-fitting YSE tension (Pa).

  • ax1 (matplotlib axes object) – If plot is True – Axis where the YSE is plotted.

  • ax2 (matplotlib axes object) – If plot is True – Axis where the temperature profile is plotted.

  • Q_crust (float) – Activation energy for the crust (J mol-1).

  • A_crust (float) – Empirical constant for the crust (Pa-n s-1).

  • n_crust (float) – Rheological constant for the crust.

  • Q_mantle (float) – Activation energy for the mantle (J mol-1).

  • A_mantle (float) – Empirical constant for the mantle (Pa-n s-1).

  • n_mantle (float) – Rheological constant for the mantle.

  • g_surf (float) – Gravitational attraction of the surface (m s-2).

  • rhobar (float) – Mean density of the body (kg m-3).

  • R_mpr (float) – Mean radius of the body (m).

  • Te (float) – Elastic thickness (m).

  • Tc (float) – Crustal thickness (m).

  • k_crust (float) – Thermal conductivity in the crust (W m−1 K−1).

  • k_mantle (float) – Thermal conductivity in the mantle (W m−1 K−1).

  • K_curv (float) – Plate curvature (m-1).

  • H_c (float) – Average volumetric crustal heat production (W kg-1).

  • rhoc (float) – Crustal density (kg m-3).

  • rhom (float) – Mantle density (kg m-3).

  • eps (float) – Strain rate (s-1).

  • young (float) – Young’s modulus (Pa).

  • poisson (float) – Poisson’s ratio.

  • sig_y (float) – Bounding stress (Pa).

  • Ts (float) – Surface temperature (K).

  • R_gas (float) – Gas constant (J mol-1 K-1).

  • HF_min (float, optional, default = None) – Minimum heat flow to test (mW m-2), if None we guess it assuming mechanical thickness equals elastic thickness (zero curvature).

  • HF_max (float, optional, default = None) – Maximum heat flow to test (mW m-2), if None we guess it assuming mechanical thickness equals elastic thickness (zero curvature).

  • HF_step (float, optional, default = 1) – Heat flow step to test (mW m-2)

  • step_depth (integer, optional, default = Te / 1000.) – Iteration depth step for the integration.

  • max_depth (integer, optional, default = Te * 3) – Maximum depth for the integration.

  • quiet (boolean, optional, default = True) – if True, print various outputs.

  • plot (boolean, optional, default = False) – if True, plot the best-fit yield strength envelope and temperature profile.

  • plot_YSE (boolean, optional, default = False) – if True, plot the yield strength envelope for each tested heat flows.

  • figsize (tuple, optional, default = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']) – Size of the output figure.

Te_HF_Conversion.Conversion_Tprofile_Te(T_profile, z_profile, Q_crust, A_crust, n_crust, Q_mantle, A_mantle, n_mantle, g_surf, rhobar, R_mpr, Tc, rhoc, rhom, eps, young, poisson, sig_y, R_gas, K_curv=1e-07, Te_min=5, Te_max=300, Te_step=1, quiet=True, plot=False, figsize=[6.4, 4.8])

Determine the elastic thicknesses from the input temperature profile and rheology.


  • Te (float) – Elastic thickness of the lithosphere (m).

  • d_sig_tmp1_best (array, size(max_depth / step_depth)) – The best-fitting YSE compression (Pa).

  • d_sig_tmp0_best (array, size(max_depth / step_depth)) – The best-fitting YSE tension (Pa).

  • ax1 (matplotlib axes object) – If plot is True – Axis where the YSE is plotted.

  • ax2 (matplotlib axes object) – If plot is True – Axis where the temperature profile is plotted.

  • T_profile (array, float) – Temperature profile (K).

  • z_profile (array, float) – Depth (downward positive) associated with each temperature (m). The profile should contain with equidistant values and start from 0.

  • Q_crust (float) – Activation energy for the crust (J mol-1).

  • A_crust (float) – Empirical constant for the crust (Pa-n s-1).

  • n_crust (float) – Rheological constant for the crust.

  • Q_mantle (float) – Activation energy for the mantle (J mol-1).

  • A_mantle (float) – Empirical constant for the mantle (Pa-n s-1).

  • n_mantle (float) – Rheological constant for the mantle.

  • g_surf (float) – Gravitational attraction of the surface (m s-2).

  • rhobar (float) – Mean density of the body (kg m-3).

  • R_mpr (float) – Mean radius of the body (m).

  • Tc (float) – Crustal thickness (m).

  • rhoc (float) – Crustal density (kg m-3).

  • rhom (float) – Mantle density (kg m-3).

  • eps (float) – Strain rate (s-1).

  • young (float) – Young’s modulus (Pa).

  • poisson (float) – Poisson’s ratio.

  • sig_y (float) – Bounding stress (Pa).

  • R_gas (float) – Gas constant (J mol-1 K-1).

  • K_curv (float, optional, default = 1e-7) – Plate curvature (m-1).

  • Te_min (float, optional, default = 5) – Minimum elastic thickness investigated (km).

  • Te_max (float, optional, default = max(300, z_profile)) – Maximum elastic thickness investigated (km).

  • Te_step (float, optional, default = 1) – Elastic thickness step to test (km).

  • quiet (boolean, optional, default = True) – if True, print various outputs.

  • plot (boolean, optional, default = False) – if True, plot the best-fit yield strength envelope and temperature profile.

  • figsize (tuple, optional, default = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']) – Size of the output figure.

Te_HF_Conversion.Curv_Moment(d_sig_tmp0, d_sig_tmp1, K_curv, young, poisson, depth, step_depth, sig_y, HF=0, neutralfib=None, plot_YSE=False, decoupling=False, show=True, ax=None, figsize=[6.4, 4.8])

Determine the bending moment given the input yield strength envelope and curvature.


  • Mx (float) – The bending moment of the plate

  • d_sig_tab1 (array size(depth)) – Integrated part of the yield strength envelope in compression (Pa)

  • d_sig_tab2 (array size(depth)) – Integrated part of the yield strength envelope in tension (Pa)

  • sig_ela (array size(depth)) – Integrated elastic part of the yield strength envelope (Pa)

  • neutralfib (float) – Neutral fiber index to be used for the next iteration

  • d_sig_tmp0 (float) – Stress curve, tension (Pa).

  • d_sig_tmp1 (float) – Stress curve, compression (Pa).

  • K_curv (float) – Plate curvature (m-1).

  • young (float) – Young’s modulus (Pa).

  • poisson (float) – Poisson’s ratio.

  • depth (array, float) – Input depth for the integration (m).

  • step_depth (float) – Iteration depth step for the integration.

  • sig_y (float) – Bounding stress (Pa).

  • HF (float, optional, default = 0) – The input mantle heat flow (W m-2).

  • neutralfib (int, optional, default = None) – Neutral fiber index of the previous interation.

  • plot_YSE (boolean, optional, default = False) – If true, plot the yield strength envelope

  • decoupling (boolean, optional, default = False) – If true, the rheology is decoupled and we plot 2 sets of curvatures on ax if plot_YSE.

  • show (boolean, optional, default = True) – If true, show the plot once the first decoupled part is plotted on ax if plot_YSE.

  • ax (object, optional, default = None) – Axis for plotting.

  • figsize (tuple, optional, default = mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize']) – Size of the output figure.